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Text File | 1997-03-03 | 16.8 KB | 580 lines | [TEXT/ttxt] |
- Info-Mac Archive Mirror Sites (as of 10 Feb 1997)
- We ask that you use these mirrors, and NOT SUMEX-AIM, because the load on
- it makes it difficult for us to manage the Archive! We recommend that you
- avoid mirror sites that are not listed here, because they are not in
- touch with us and do not have permission to carry the Archive.
- Please contact us at info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu if you have
- any trouble using any of these sites, find any of this info to be
- incorrect, or know of a site not listed here.
- Each entry in the list below contains:
- organization, city, [state,] country
- access methods
- updates:days contents
- [notes about the site]
- access methods
- URLs and other methods with instructions for accessing the site
- Not listed for most private mirrors
- updates:days
- The number of updates made to the mirror per number of days
- (ie: 1:1 is once a day, 1:14 is once every two weeks)
- contents
- RECENT - the site only carries files from the past year or so
- VERY-RECENT - the site only carries files from the past few months
- ALL - the site carries all directories in the archive
- INCLUDES/EXCLUDES - those directories are included/excluded by the site
- Sections in this List
- Australia New Zealand
- Austria Norway
- Belgium Singapore
- Canada South Africa
- Colombia Spain
- Finland Sweden
- France Switzerland
- Germany Taiwan
- Hong Kong Turkey
- Israel United Kingdom
- Italy United States
- Japan USA
- Korea Private Mirrors
- Netherlands
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Public Mirror Sites
- Australia
- Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
- ftp://sunsite.anu.edu.au/pub/mac/info-mac/
- 1:1 ALL
- Apple Users' Society of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
- ftp://ftp.ausom.net.au/pub/mirrors/info-mac/
- also mirrors Caltech Apple II archive
- Deakin University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
- ftp://ftp.info.au/mac/info-mac/
- 1:1 ALL
- Austria
- Vienna University, Vienna, Austria
- ftp://ftp.univie.ac.at/systems/mac/info-mac/
- http://www.univie.ac.at/ftp/systems/mac/info-mac/
- gopher://gopher.univie.ac.at/11/ftp/systems/mac/info-mac/
- 1:1 ALL
- Belgium
- Link Line, Bruxelles, Belgium
- ftp://ftp.linkline.be/mirror/info-mac/
- 1:1 ALL
- only accessible from Europe
- Canada
- AGT Limited, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
- ftp://ftp.agt.net/pub/info-mac/
- 1:1 ALL
- University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
- ftp://ftp.ucs.ubc.ca/pub/mac/info-mac/
- 1:1 ALL
- Colombia
- University of Los Andes, Bogota, Colombia
- ftp://ftping.uniandes.edu.co/pub/Info-Mac
- 1:5 RECENT
- Finland
- FUNET - Finnish Academic and Research Network, Espoo, Finland
- ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/mac/info-mac/
- gopher://gopher.funet.fi/1ftp:ftp.funet.fi@/pub/mac/info-mac/
- France
- FranceNet, Paris, France
- ftp://ftp.francenet.fr/pub/miroirs/info-mac/
- 1:1 ALL
- Universities of Paris VI and Paris VII, Paris, France
- ftp://ftp.ibp.fr/pub/mac/info-mac/
- ftp://ftp.jussieu.fr/pub/mac/info-mac/
- 1:1 ALL
- CalvaCom, Velizy, France
- ftp://ftp.calvacom.fr/pub/mac/info-mac/
- 1:1 ALL
- Germany
- Aachen University of Technology, Aachen, Germany
- ftp://ftp.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/pub/info-mac/
- Technical University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany
- ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/mac/info-mac/
- gopher://gopher.cs.tu-berlin.de:ftp/pub/mac/info-mac/
- mailto:mail-server@cs.tu-berlin.de - place "send HELP" in message body for info
- also has local archive and mirrors MacBSD & ftp.tidbits.com
- University of Hannover, Hannover, Germany
- ftp://ftp.rrzn.uni-hannover.de/pub/info-mac/
- 1:1 ALL
- University of Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Germany
- ftp://ftp.uni-kl.de/
- 1:7 RECENT INCLUDES: app cmp dev gui sci util cfg comm disk prn text vir
- University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
- ftp://ftp.uni-stuttgart.de/pub/systems/mac/info-mac/
- 1:7 INCLUDES: vir comm cmp cfg dev disk help card nwt prn sci text gui
- Hong Kong
- HK SuperNet, Clear Water Bay, Sai Kung, Hong Kong
- ftp://ftp.hk.super.net/pub/mirror/info-mac/
- gopher://gopher.hk.super.net/Our-Anonymous-FTP/pub/mirror/info-mac/
- 1:7 ALL
- also mirrors Newton archive
- Israel
- Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
- ftp://ftp.technion.ac.il/pub/unsupported/mac/info-mac/
- gopher://gopher.technion.ac.il/11/Ftp_info/Lcl_ftp/pub/unsupported/mac/info-mac/
- mailto:ftpmail@ftp.technion.ac.il - place "help" in message body for info
- mailto:gophermail@gopher.technion.ac.il - leave message body empty for menu
- 1:1 ALL
- Italy
- CNUCE Institute of CNR, Pisa, Italy
- ftp://cnuce-arch.cnr.it/pub/info-mac/
- gopher://gopher.cnuce.cnr.it/11/pub/info-mac/
- 1:1 ALL EXCLUDES: snd game
- II Universita' di Roma Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy
- ftp://cis.utovrm.it/Info-Mac/
- 1:1 ALL
- Japan
- Institute for Molecular Science, Okazaki, Aichi, Japan
- ftp://ftp.ims.ac.jp/pub/mac/info-mac/
- gopher://gopher.ims.ac.jp:70/11/tmp/pub-link/mac/info-mac/
- 1:1 ALL
- KDD R&D Laboratories, Kamifukuoka, Japan
- ftp://ftp.lab.kdd.co.jp/info-mac/
- 1:7 ALL
- Osaka University, Suita, Osaka, Japan
- ftp://ftp.center.osaka-u.ac.jp/info-mac/
- http://www.osaka-u.ac.jp/export/info-mac/
- 1:1 ALL
- Osaka University, Toyonaka, Osaka, Japan
- ftp://ftp.chem.sci.osaka-u.ac.jp/pub/mac/info-mac/
- gopher://gopher.chem.sci.osaka-u.ac.jp:70/11/pub/mac/info-mac/
- http://www.chem.sci.osaka-u.ac.jp/mirror.html
- 1:1 ALL
- Fujitsu Ltd, Tokyo, Japan
- ftp://ftp.web.ad.jp/info-mac/
- 1:1 ALL
- Internet Initiative Japan, Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan
- ftp://ftp.iij.ad.jp/pub/info-mac/
- mailto:archive-server@iij.ad.jp - place "help" in message body for info
- 1:1 ALL
- NEC Corporation, Tokyo, Japan
- ftp://ftp.pcvan.or.jp/pub/info-mac/
- 1:1 ALL
- RIKEN - The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, Wako, Japan
- ftp://ftp.riken.go.jp/pub/mac/info-mac/
- http://www.riken.go.jp/archives/info-mac/
- 1:1 ALL
- also mirrors UMich and CTAN-TeX Mac archives
- Korea
- Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang, Korea
- ftp://hwarang.postech.ac.kr/pub/mac/info-mac/
- http://centaur.postech.ac.kr/network/ftpserv.html
- mailto:ftpmail@hwarang.postech.ac.kr - place "help" in message body for info
- Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Taejon, Korea
- ftp://math2.kaist.ac.kr/pub/mac/info-mac/
- http://math8.kaist.ac.kr/shareware/global.html
- 1:1 ALL
- Netherlands
- EuroNet Internet, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- ftp://ftp.euro.net/Mac/info-mac/
- 1:1 ALL
- Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag, Netherlands
- ftp://ftp.nic.surfnet.nl/mirror-archive/software/info-mac/
- gopher://ftp.nic.surfnet.nl:71/11/mirror-archive/software/info-mac/
- 1:1 ALL
- Wageningen University, Wageningen, Netherlands
- ftp://ftp.fenk.wau.nl/pub/mac/info-mac/
- gopher://metten.fenk.wau.nl/11/pub/mac/info-mac/
- http://ftp.fenk.wau.nl/pub/mac/info-mac/
- also mirrors the jagubox A/UX archive
- New Zealand
- Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand
- ftp://ftp.vuw.ac.nz/info-mac/
- http://mirrors.vuw.ac.nz/info-mac/
- 1:1 ALL
- Norway
- Bergen IT Consult AS, Bergen, Norway
- ftp://ftp.bitcon.no/pub/micro/mac/info-mac/
- University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
- ftp://mac.uio.no/info-mac/
- 1:1 ALL
- also mirrors UMich Mac archive
- Singapore
- National Computer Board, Singapore, Singapore
- ftp://king.ncb.gov.sg/info-mac/
- may not carry large, marginally useful files older than 1 month
- National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore
- ftp://ftp.nus.sg/pub/mac/
- gopher://gopher.nus.sg/11/NUS%20FTP%20Server/
- http://www.nus.sg/NUShome.html
- mailto:ftpmail@ftp.nus.sg
- 1:1 ALL
- also has many other archives
- South Africa
- The Internet Solution, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa
- ftp://ftp.is.co.za/info-mac/
- 1:1 ALL
- Spain
- Universitat Jaume I, Castello, Spain
- ftp://ftp.uji.es/pub/mirror/mac/info-mac/
- gopher://gopher.uji.es:3800/1ftp.uji.es@pub/mirror/mac/info-mac/
- 1:1 INCLUDES: comm cfg cmp
- bandwidth is limited; please connect during non-prime hours
- Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain
- ftp://ftp.urv.es/pub/mirror/info-mac/
- 1:1 ALL
- Sweden
- SUNET - Swedish University Network, Uppsala, Sweden
- ftp://ftp.sunet.se/pub/mac/info-mac/
- gopher://ftp.sunet.se/11/pub/mac/info-mac/
- http://ftp.sunet.se/pub/mac/info-mac/
- mailto:ftpmail@ftp.sunet.se - place "help" in message body for info
- 1:1 ALL
- also mirrors UMich Mac archive and other Mac stuff
- Switzerland
- SWITCH - Swiss Academic & Research Network, Zurich, Switzerland
- ftp://sunsite.cnlab-switch.ch/mirror/info-mac/
- 1:1 ALL
- Taiwan
- National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
- ftp://nctuccca.edu.tw/Macintosh/info-mac/
- fsp://nctuccca.edu.tw:21/Macintosh/info-mac/
- gopher://nctuccca.edu.tw:72/11/Macintosh/info-mac/
- http://nctuccca.edu.tw/cgi-bin/ftpls/
- mailto:ftpmail@nctuccca.edu.tw
- Turkey
- Bilkent University Preparatory School, Bilkent, Ankara, Turkey
- ftp://ftp.bups.bilkent.edu.tr/pub/info-mac/
- gopher://gopher.bups.bilkent.edu.tr
- http://www.bups.bilkent.edu.tr/Documentation/bups.html
- fsp://ftp.bups.bilkent.edu.tr:21/
- 1:1 ALL
- also mirrors UMich Mac archive
- United Kingdom
- Imperial College Department of Computing, London, United Kingdom
- ftp://src.doc.ic.ac.uk/packages/info-mac/
- http://src.doc.ic.ac.uk/packages/info-mac/
- gopher://src.doc.ic.ac.uk/11/packages/info-mac/
- fsp://src.doc.ic.ac.uk/packages/info-mac/
- nfs://src.doc.ic.ac.uk/public
- mailto:ftpmail@doc.ic.ac.uk
- 1:1 ALL
- also mirrors other Mac archives
- UEA, Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom
- ftp://newton.sys.uea.ac.uk/Newton_Archive/Sumex_Newton/
- 1:1 INCLUDES: nwt
- United States
- Arizona Macintosh Users Group, Phoenix, Arizona, United States
- ftp://ftp.amug.org/pub/mirrors/info-mac/
- http://www.amug.org/index.html
- IRC: #macintosh, /dcc chat MacServ, like FTP from there. Rew: DCC & DCC chat
- 1:1 ALL
- also has Newton archive, Peter Lewis archive, Homer home site
- Apple Computer, Cupertino, California, United States
- ftp://mirror.apple.com/mirrors/Info-Mac.Archive/
- http://mirror.apple.com/
- 1:1 ALL
- also mirrors UMich Mac archive
- RFX Inc, Hollywood, California, United States
- ftp://tornado.rfx.com/pub/info-mac/
- http://tornado.rfx.com/
- 1:1 ALL
- University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, United States
- ftp://fiesta.tsc.udel.edu/pub/mirrors/info-mac/
- http://www.tsc.udel.edu/info-mac.html
- 1:1 ALL
- publicly accessible 6pm-8am Eastern Time
- University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, United States
- ftp://ftp.circa.ufl.edu/pub/software/ufmug/mirrors/Info-mac/
- gopher://gopher.circa.ufl.edu/11/Computing%20and%20Networks/Computer%20organizations%20on%20campus/UFMUG/mirrors/Info-mac/
- University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States
- ftp://ftp.hawaii.edu/mirrors/info-mac/
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois, United States
- ftp://uiarchive.cso.uiuc.edu/pub/systems/mac/info-mac/
- http://uiarchive.cso.uiuc.edu/
- 1:1 ALL
- also mirrors UMich Mac archive
- IHETS, Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
- ftp://ftp.ind.net/pub/mac/info-mac/
- http://www.ind.net/ftp/mac/info-mac/
- 1:1 ALL
- full access for all colleges and universities in Indiana
- University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, United States
- telnet://grind.isca.uiowa.edu/mac/infomac/
- ftp://grind.isca.uiowa.edu/mac/infomac/
- 1:1 ALL
- files are stored in MacBinary format; BBS interface via telnet
- CyberMac BBS, Baltimore, Maryland, United States
- dial-in: FirstClass BBS 410-668-3903
- connections to Internet, OneNet and Fidonet
- Delphi Internet Services, Lowell, Massachusetts, United States
- ftp://ftp.delphi.com/pub/mirrors/info-mac
- mailto:ftpmail@ftp.delphi.com - place "HELP" in message body for info
- 1:1 ALL
- also mirrors UMich Mac archive
- MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States
- http://hyperarchive.lcs.mit.edu/HyperArchive.html
- 1:1 ALL
- Web-browsable hypertext mirror
- Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, United States
- ftp://wuarchive.wustl.edu/systems/mac/info-mac/
- http://wuarchive.wustl.edu/systems/mac/info-mac/
- gopher://wuarchive.wustl.edu/11/systems/mac/info-mac/
- fsp://wuarchive.wustl.edu/systems/mac/info-mac/
- nfs://wuarchive.wustl.edu/archive/systems/mac/info-mac/
- 1:1 ALL
- also mirrors many other archives
- The GLOBE at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, United States
- http://www.webgenesis.com/theglobe/programs.html
- 1:7 ALL
- not updated regularly
- Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, United States
- ftp://b64198.cwru.edu/pub/mirrors/info-mac/
- http://b64198.cwru.edu/mac.html
- 1:1 INCLUDES: app cfg cmp comm dev disk gui help prn text vir
- University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma, United States
- ftp://ftp.ou.edu/mirrors/info-mac/
- Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, United States
- ftp://ftp.orst.edu/pub/systems/info-mac/
- 1:1 ALL
- EPIX Internet Services, Dallas, Pennsylvania, United States
- ftp://ftp.epix.net/pub/info-mac
- 1:1 ALL
- Publicly accessible with preference given to EPIX customers.
- Hype Online Communications, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
- dial-in: FirstClass BBS 412-344-3579 Desktop:Hype Main:Gateways:Info-Mac:
- University of Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee, United States
- ftp://macarchive.ceri.memphis.edu/info-mac/
- accessible only from mid-South region of US
- The Digital Dataplex, Austin, Texas, United States
- ftp://ftp.dataplex.net/pub/info-mac/
- 1:1 ALL
- also mirrors other archives
- Pacific HiTech, Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
- ftp://ftp.pht.com/pub/mac/info-mac/
- http://www.pht.com/ftp.html
- 1:1 ALL
- also mirrors UMich Mac archive and other operating system archives
- America Online, Vienna, Virginia, United States
- ftp://mirrors.aol.com/pub/info-mac/
- America Online: AOL FTP area site list
- 1:1 ALL
- also mirrors UMich Mac archive
- UUNET Technologies, Falls Church, Virginia, United States
- ftp://ftp.uu.net/systems/mac/info-mac/
- 1:1 EXCLUDES: info/nms grf/qt
- TidBITS, Bellevue, Washington, United States
- ftp://ftp.tidbits.com/pub/tidbits/tisk/
- 1:1 INCLUDES: comm
- also mirrors selected other Info-Mac files; home archive for TidBITS
- ShadowMAC, Twin Cities, Minnesota, USA
- ftp://ftp.ShadowMAC.org/pub/mirrors/info-mac/
- http://www.ShadowMAC.org/pub/mirrors/info-mac/
- 1:7 ALL
- ShadowMAC has it's own archives in addition to mirrors of 13 other Mac +and Newton filesites, as well as a mirror of RTFM.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Private Mirror Sites
- These mirrors are only accessible from within their organizations.
- Jostens Canada Ltd, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
- 1:1 EXCLUDES: game art
- DREA, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada
- ftp:
- Universite Laval, Ste-Foy, Quebec, Canada
- only includes files that appear in recent-files.txt list
- Open University, Milton Keynes, England
- Planete, Montreuil, France
- 1:1 ALL
- will go public in early May
- LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France
- Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel
- 1:1 ALL
- Sony Corporation, Tokyo, Japan
- 1:1 ALL
- University of Wisconsin, Madison Wiscosin USA
- 2:7 ALL
- Access is limited to UW-Madison Campus only
- University of Arkansas, Little Rock, Arkansas, United States
- 1:1 EXCLUDES: game per
- Intended for users within Arkansas
- University of California San Diego, La Jolla, California, United States
- gopher://userserve/11/Info-mac/Recent/
- AppleShare: zone ACC, host userserve, volume Info-mac
- contact micros@ucsd.edu for more information
- Schlumberger-Doll Research, Ridgefield, Connecticut, United States
- 1:1 ALL
- contact gerardi@ridgefield.sdr.slb.com for access info
- NCSA, Champaign, Illinois, United States
- 1:1 ALL
- Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, United States
- Heller Information Services, Rockville, Maryland, United States
- ftp://mirror.his.com/pub/mirrors/info-mac/
- http://www.his.com/info-mac/
- 1:1 ALL
- Contact info-mac@his.com for access info
- Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, United States
- 1:1 ALL
- MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, Massachusetts, United States
- 1:1 ALL
- Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, United States
- AppleShare:
- 1:1 ALL
- Columbia University, New York, New York, United States
- 1:1 ALL EXCLUDES: comm/ara comm/bbs comm/uucp dev game grf nwt per snd
- contact consultant@columbia.edu for access information
- Imagina Incorporated, Portland, Oregon, United States
- Appleshare
- 1:1 ALL
- Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, United States
- ftp://nethelp.tamu.edu/mirrors/info-mac/
- 4:7 INCLUDES: comm cmp
- Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, United States
- http://www.byu.edu/info-mac/
- ftp://www.byu.edu/pub/info-mac/
- 1:1 ALL
- userid & password required for ftp